I was born in Wisconsin in 1957, a third child with three siblings. I grew up believing in God, but selectively believing what I wanted to accept about Him and His will for my life. Eventually this attitude led me into pretty much a hedonistic lifestyle.
In 1979, when I was 21, I went to see a film on Bible prophecy.
It detailed prophecies of the end times and the return of Christ alongside modern news events... and interviews with historians, political and scientific experts showed the incredible accuracy of the Biblical predictions. I was stunned. I had never seen such clear and powerful evidence for God and the Scriptures before! This was utterly amazing! History recorded accurately hundreds and thousands of years in advance! No mere humans could do such things. How could so many people be so blind to this? How could I have been?
PROOF OF THE BIBLE! Beyond doubt! How could anyone fake predicting WORLD HISTORY (following a detailed pattern written thousands of years ago) WITHOUT ERROR? This could not be intelligently dismissed (Isaiah 46:9-11).
What was I to do? Didn’t Jesus die for our sins? Yes. IF we trust in His finished work on the cross as the 100% payment for our sins (nothing can be added by us) THEN we are forgiven - completely! We need to receive Him, ask Him to come within us and change us and make us new, in His image (see Heb.11:6, Rom.10:9, Acts 3:19 and John 1:12).
This is what I needed to do! I fell on my face in my upstairs apartment and asked God for His forgiveness for my many sins, and if He would please come into my life and save me. Immediately my life perspective changed. Not only for cigarettes, but also for drunkenness, cocaine, and other drug use - I had a strange new attitude toward them… as well as strength now to resist. I began to feel like I was a child again, for spiritually, I WAS! Being free of alcohol and drugs cleared my mind tremendously.
Best of all, I now began to know the purpose of my life (and all life), which is to glorify God and serve His eternal purposes in love and mercy and faithfulness - looking forward to a glorious eternity of joy, peace and wonder beyond our ability to imagine (Rev. 4:11, 1 Cor.2:9-10).
You can too! Believe, admit your sinfulness, change your mind about them, and receive Jesus Christ by trusting Him completely. Do it TODAY!

The upstairs apartment where
I was saved, April 12, 1979.